Growing Audiences
& Creating Customers

We are a digital marketing agency that focuses on crafting campaigns and strategies using the latest digital tools to expand businesses’ online presence and increase their brand equity.

About Us

Based in New York, our team consists of professionals from the digital marketing, strategic communications and business leadership fields, with years of experience in creating effective content for winning marketing campaigns. We are experts with proven results in content marketing, inbound marketing and growth-driven design. In addition, we develop teams and communities on the importance of providing consistent value in the workplace.

Our Services

We deliver deep insights into your company and market to create compelling brands. If you’re looking for insights on your most recent campaign or need help developing expansion strategies, our team works with you with a personalized marketing plan.

Let's chat

Cortical is dedicated to helping our current clients and inviting new brands to work with us. We offer passionate, knowledgable experts, a track record of delivering value and personalized process centered around your business. We are a small business but through our operation, Cortical has been known for it’s friendly, knowledgeable and efficient service and staff. Contact us for all your marketing needs and we’ll schedule your evaluation. We look forward to hearing from you soon and helping your business become a brand.

More than you typical digital agency

"Cookie cutter solutions only work for cookies"

With a varied, but deep, understanding of consumer behavior across industries, we are able to create plans based on their preference. By starting with the buyers’ journey, we craft a strategy for your business around who will be involved, not just what you want them to do.

We understand platforms

And how to use them properly

As digital natives, our first-hand experience with classic and novel platforms has been shaped by hours of screentime and open-ended research 


Did you know?
88% of users are outside of the United States.


Did you know?
89% of Americans recognize their iconic red and blue logo. (It didn't even exist 5 years ago)


Did you know?
60,000 tracks are uploaded to spotify everyday.


Did you know?
Over 57 million companies are listed on LinkedIn.

The list is always growing

As new players arrive on the scene, we’re putting in the legwork. Scrolling, posting, and learning, probably our favorite part.

Our Marketing Philosophy

" Marketing is so much more than being seen. It's about truly connecting with the right people, at the perfect time."

Our Services

How we can help


Our top-tier creative team creates all aspects of a brand. Logos, Websites, or Merchandise. if you need creative, we will turn your vision into your asset.

Demand Generation

Driving traffic to your store, collecting emails for your CRM, or boosting engagement for your new content, we are results-focused and budget-conscious.


We run tests and trails to provide our clients with actionable insight into their business. Consider each move before you take another step.

Ready to tackle any project

More Services Available

As we continue to adapt to the latest marketing science, we create new strategies, campaigns and tactics.

Looking for a specific project? Let us know.

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