My Work

Creative solutions for clients

Mental Health Clothing Brand

We approached the creation of this brand from a mission-based perspective. Centering on mental health and donations to psychedelic research centers, we were able to spark honest conversations and push sales through dynamic content. Built on Shopify and advertised through various organic and paid channels, it is a project that pushed the boundaries of what we could do. 

Educate to Engage

We introduced an educational blog series to provide deep dives into psychedelic research, mental health insights, and personal wellness stories. This initiative not only drove traffic but established WashBrain as an authoritative voice in the mental health community.

Support Through Sales

A pivotal move was the creation of the clothing collections, where each purchase directly funded psychedelic research projects. This strategy aligned consumer action with WashBrain's mission, boosting engagement and reinforcing the brand's commitment to advancing mental health sciences.

Lift With lizzy

Online Fitness Coach

Our strategic overhaul led to a significant improvement in Lizzy’s brand engagement online, with an increase in both website traffic and social media interaction. The targeted ad campaigns and website optimization directly contributed to a higher quality of leads and more efficient client onboarding, marking a notable success in Lizzy’s business growth.

Website Revamp

Recognizing that the majority of Lizzy's audience engaged with her content via mobile devices, we adopted a mobile-first approach to the website redesign. This ensured optimal user experience, with clear navigation paths for different user segments: existing clients, prospective clients, and those seeking more information.

Lead Quality Enhancement

To tackle the challenge of varying lead quality, we established a pre-qualification system for Lizzy's leads. This approach ensured that individuals reaching out were genuinely interested in her services, thus optimizing Lizzy's sales process and time management. Leads not yet ready to commit were directed towards Lizzy's product offerings, creating a pool for future remarketing efforts.

Ty Skys

Music Producer

Our agency embarked on a dynamic project to propel the digital music presence of “Ty Skys,” an artist passionate about music production and leveraging social platforms for brand growth. Tasked with enhancing Ty’s digital footprint and audience engagement, we focused on innovative marketing strategies and content dissemination through social media.

Innovative Digital Instrument Launch

A key highlight of our strategy was capitalizing on Ty's creation of a digital instrument based on the sound of a PS4 turning on. This novel concept, combined with a viral TikTok video, set the stage for a broader engagement strategy. We designed a funnel that directed traffic from social media to Ty's personal website, where fans could download the digital instrument in exchange for their email address, effectively building a substantial subscriber list for future marketing efforts

Subscriber List Growth

The digital instrument download offered in exchange for email subscriptions proved to be a masterstroke. It not only provided value to Ty's audience but also created a direct marketing channel for Ty to promote new music releases, merchandise, and exclusive content, fostering a deeper connection with his audience.

Through every project, campaign, and strategy, I navigate the intersection of creativity and data, where each decision is informed by analytics but driven by a human touch. My philosophy centers on reducing friction, not just in the user experience but in how we communicate, engage, and ultimately connect. Whether it's crafting a marketing campaign or designing a brand, I aim to make the complex simple, turning insights into actions that resonate on a deeply personal level.

Tyler Ozkan, CEO @ Cortical Marketing

Ready to rock?

Decisions guided by data from a company guided by values.